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Forum Comments

Team D22-017 Concept Note: What You Make Of It: Reconnecting Communities and Engineers
In Concept Notes Workspace
Theo Wallwork
Feb 15, 2022
Hello Team, I agree with Jonathan this is an excellent idea to get engineers thinking about the problems that different communities face and vice versa for people from different cultures to apply there knowledge to these challenges. I like the idea a platform for collaboration and communication and across different sectors, backgrounds and countries. One thing I would like to hear more about is how this international team will work together effectively. When a brief for an engineering problem is given often one of the first stages is optioneering. This is the process by which engineers and stakeholders will review the problem and look at the many different ways to solve it so that a decision can be made to specify a set solution. Having so many minds come together is an incredibly powerful tool to pool knowledge and produce a diverse array of ideas but how will this be narrowed down to prevent a 'data overload' of solutions? Also you mention each participant spending an allocated amount of time on the issue. This is great and quantifies the input of the participants however a big challenge within the engineering industry is effectively passing information on from one party to the next. How will the next participant get an overview of what has been done so far from which to carry on from? I think these could potentially be solved with well managed input from the community which will benefit from the work. Or perhaps a voting system where by each participant can review and vote/rate each others ideas to recommend a solution the the local community. Overall I think this is a great idea and will give the community as well as the participants the opportunity to upskill there skillset by learning from others. Some thought on the logistics for the platform will go a long way.

Theo Wallwork

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