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Forum Posts

Arnav Bhatia
Feb 21, 2022
In Final Submissions
The greatest issues facing modern engineering today are a lack of access and the subsequent lack of collaboration between those from different backgrounds. This is compounded by the scarcity of opportunities for young engineers to contribute to large-scale projects. Engineering can only progress with the introduction of tools to enable collaboration between bright young thinkers and industry experts. These issues, and more, are solved by EngineHack - the platform uniting education, networking, and innovation in the form of user projects. EngineHack is designed to provide a natural social experience between engineers and companies, with interaction enhanced through the addition of discussion pages, articles on relevant topics, and smaller groups to rally around shared causes and advocate for change, thereby creating a much-needed sense of community. EngineHack provides a centralised meeting point for innovators to collaborate in the cycle of product creation in a format that promotes inclusiveness and social responsibility. The platform is based on an ICO (initial coin offering) concept, where the platform users are awarded points depending on the level of productive interaction within the system. This allows them to advance in its hierarchy and become more valuable members of the community, which yields higher returns on future work. With the cryptocurrency generated within the system, the users can either exchange it in a free-market structure or host an independent project. During the independent project, the host generates a subsequent token distributed to its technical contributors, with their tokens representing each member’s proportional share in terms of ownership over IP and profit share. Similar to the platform token, the project-specific coins can be exchanged and traded in the free market, setting their price following a demand/supply model. The proportion of potential project ownership will be determined by one’s knowledge in the required field of expertise and the level of experience within the platform and quantitative contributions. It is important to balance the inclusivity of up-and-coming engineers with an appreciation for the high skill level of entry to the industry. The platform will provide an open course database (supported by Lynda and Coursera) that awards the user with a certificate in the given engineering field upon completion of the skill test. This allows anyone to engage in technical discussions within the community and involve themselves in more extensive engineering projects in the platform as they progress. EngineHack’s hierarchy allows engineers to bid for increased stakes in future projects based upon their level of experience, qualifications, and the quality of work on previous projects. The platform's open-source nature will put power back in the hands of the individual engineer by giving them the freedom to choose which projects to work on. In addition, the platform will bring in different perspectives to engineering, with contributors from all walks of life. We believe that this platform has the potential to provide the resources we need to help bring people together to make a better future.
D22-007: EngineHack - Engineering Social Network content media
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