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D22-006 UNITE a card game to unite people in a company so they can value the skills of their colleagues to develop responsible solutions
In Final Submissions
Ankita Sharma
Feb 21, 2022
3 Personable Actions Ankita Sharma 1) In my volunteer work in teaching primary school children more about STEM and robotics, I will try to promote the different disciplines of engineering and the importance of teamwork. 2) As a woman, I will endeavour to be a role model to other girls in my community and give talks to schools to inspire more girls to take on STEM subjects at University, to try and bridge the gap in the industry and improve inclusivity 3) I will continue to read and research into Sustainability practices in the industry Aditya Munot 1) I will continue to do further research into responsible practices in the industry 2) I will try to implement all that I have learnt in this Designathon in my future project works to develop responsible solutions 3) I will try and volunteer in my University to promote STEM to under-represented communites Ria Dhoptakar 1) More research into how I can be more sustainable in everyday life, such as reducing waste and buying more eco-friendly products. I will also endeavour to make sure future design projects always consider the impact on the environment. 2) Gain a better understanding on the groups that tend to be underrepresented in the engineering community and why. In my design projects, I will be sure to obtain the viewpoints and needs of a large variety of groups to ensure inclusivity and make sure the end product can benefit as many as possible. 3) Continue to expand my knowledge on globally responsible engineering through research and taking part in more projects, aiming to implement this into my work at university and beyond. Justin Keung 1) I will conduct research for average and extreme users in all my project works 2) I will identify relevant stakeholders through my user research to clarify assumptions to ensure I solve a true problem 3) I will join the EWB chapter in my University
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